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Evaluating the Security Risks: Should Kenya Ban TikTok?

In recent deliberations by the National Security Advisory Council (NSAC), the prospect of banning TikTok, a popular social media platform, among top government officials has been brought to the forefront. This move, if implemented, could have significant implications for cybersecurity and national security in Kenya. Let’s delve into the details and implications of this proposal.


The discussion surrounding the potential ban of TikTok among government officials underscores growing concerns regarding the platform’s security risks and its ties to China. Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki’s disclosure before lawmakers sheds light on the complexity of the issue and the measures being considered to mitigate potential threats.

Quick Summary:

  • The National Security Advisory Council (NSAC) is contemplating banning top government officials from using TikTok due to security concerns.
  • Despite acknowledging security risks, Interior Cabinet Secretary Kindiki suggests initial measures such as restricting high-level government officials from using the app.
  • Concerns revolve around the potential exposure of sensitive government information and ties between TikTok and the Chinese government.

Assessing Security Risks

TikTok’s meteoric rise in popularity has raised red flags globally, with many countries expressing apprehension about its security implications. The United States, for instance, has advocated for a ban citing national security concerns. In Kenya, similar apprehensions have prompted deliberations within the NSAC regarding the platform’s usage among government officials.

Regulatory Measures

While acknowledging the security risks associated with TikTok, Kindiki emphasizes the need for a measured approach. Rather than an outright ban, the focus is on implementing initial measures to safeguard national security interests. This includes restricting high-level government officials from using the app until further regulatory clarity is achieved.

Compliance Obligations

Enforcement plans are underway to ensure TikTok complies with relevant data protection regulations in Kenya. The Office of the Data Protection Commissioner is actively engaging with TikTok to address concerns and ascertain their level of compliance. This collaborative approach underscores the importance of dialogue and regulatory oversight in addressing cybersecurity challenges.

Future Implications

The proposal to ban TikTok among government officials highlights broader concerns surrounding cybersecurity and the evolving threat landscape in Kenya. Kindiki emphasizes the need for legislative amendments to bolster the country’s cyber defenses, including the formation of a fourth Defense tier dedicated to protecting cyberspace.

Public Sentiment

The call to ban TikTok extends beyond security considerations to encompass broader societal concerns. Petitions, such as the one submitted by Bob Ndolo of Bridget Connect Consultancy, raise issues of explicit content exposure and criminal activities facilitated through the platform. These concerns resonate with ongoing global debates surrounding TikTok’s content moderation and data privacy practices.

International Precedents

The decision to ban TikTok on staff devices by the European Parliament, the European Commission, and the EU Council underscores the global apprehension surrounding the platform. Despite assurances from TikTok’s parent company, Bytedance, regarding data independence, skepticism persists, particularly regarding its ties to the Chinese government.

Securing Kenya’s Critical Information Systems: Insights from the National Cyber Risk Assessment

In a recent announcement made by Emmanuel Kata Kimeu, the secretary of information and communications technology (ICT) security and audit control at the Ministry of Information, Communications, and the Digital Economy in Kenya, concerning cybersecurity vulnerabilities, it was revealed that approximately 50 percent of critical information systems in the country are susceptible to a range of cyber threats, including hacking and data breaches. This revelation underscores the pressing need for concerted efforts to bolster cybersecurity measures across various sectors.


The growing digital landscape in Kenya has brought about unprecedented opportunities for economic growth and societal advancement. However, it has also exposed the nation to increasingly sophisticated cyber threats. Emmanuel Kata Kimeu emphasized this point during a press briefing held in Nairobi, where he highlighted the alarming vulnerability of critical information systems to cyber intrusions and attacks.

Quick Summary:

  • About 50 percent of critical information systems in Kenya are vulnerable to cyber threats.
  • The financial sector, mobile banking in particular, faces the highest risk of cybersecurity breaches.
  • Other high-risk sectors include telemedicine, e-learning, and transport navigation.

Assessing Cyber Risks

The unveiling of the National Cyber Risk Assessment report, a collaborative effort between the Communications Authority of Kenya and the National Computer and Cybercrimes Coordination Committee, sheds light on the extent of cyber risks facing the nation. This comprehensive assessment delineates a national risk framework, identifying key assets and resources within critical sectors that are potential targets for cybercriminals.

Understanding Vulnerabilities

According to Kimeu, the financial sector emerges as the primary target for cyber threats, owing to the exponential growth of mobile banking services. However, it is not the sole sector at risk. Information systems integral to telemedicine, e-learning platforms, and transportation navigation systems are also identified as high-priority targets for cyber intrusions.

Mitigating Cyber Risks

To address these vulnerabilities, Kenya is taking proactive measures to fortify its cyber defenses. One such initiative involves the development of a comprehensive risk treatment plan aimed at strengthening critical information systems. Key strategies include:

  • Capacity Building: Recognizing the shortage of cybersecurity professionals, Kenya plans to bolster its workforce by recruiting and training skilled experts dedicated to safeguarding information systems.
  • Enhanced Governance: Despite progress in cyber governance, there remains a need for further investments and structural enhancements across various sectors to ensure robust cyber resilience.

Combatting Threat Vectors

Jackson Makewa, the director of ICT and cybersecurity at the Ministry of Information, Communications, and the Digital Economy, underscored the prevalence of malware and ransomware as critical cyber threat vectors. In response, Kenya is implementing a multifaceted approach to counter these threats, which includes:

  • Information Sharing: Facilitating collaboration and information exchange among stakeholders to proactively identify and mitigate potential cyber threats.
  • Cyber Threat Intelligence: Leveraging advanced technologies and analytical capabilities to gather actionable intelligence on emerging cyber threats and vulnerabilities.
  • Vulnerability Disclosure: Encouraging responsible disclosure of security vulnerabilities by incentivizing ethical hackers and cybersecurity researchers to report potential weaknesses in information systems.

MultiChoice’s DStv Price Hike: Implications for Consumers and Businesses

MultiChoice Kenya Limited has announced its third price adjustment within a year for its DStv packages, increasing rates by up to six percent. This move, effective April 1, 2024, presents significant implications for households and businesses alike, grappling with escalating entertainment costs amidst economic challenges. Let’s delve into the details of these price changes and their broader impact on consumers and businesses.

Quick Summary:

  • MultiChoice Kenya Limited raises DStv prices by up to six percent, marking the third adjustment within a year.
  • Consumers face increased subscription costs across various DStv packages, exacerbating financial strain.
  • Businesses contend with rising operational expenses, impacting budget allocations for entertainment services.

Impact on Consumers

The latest price hike by MultiChoice Kenya Limited imposes added financial burden on consumers, particularly households already facing heightened pressure on their spending power. With subscription rates for popular packages like DStv Premium and Compact Plus witnessing significant increases, families must reassess their entertainment budgets to accommodate these rising costs. The adjustment further diminishes the affordability of DStv services for many consumers, potentially leading to subscription cancellations or downgrades to lower-tier packages.

Business Ramifications

Businesses reliant on DStv services for entertainment and communication purposes are also adversely affected by the price hike. Increased subscription fees add to operational costs, further straining budgets already stretched thin due to higher taxation and economic uncertainties. The escalation in DStv rates presents challenges for businesses seeking to maintain competitive pricing strategies while ensuring continued access to essential communication and entertainment channels for employees and customers.

MultiChoice’s Rationale

While MultiChoice Kenya Limited has not explicitly stated the reasons behind the latest price adjustment, previous announcements attributed price increments to escalating business costs and currency depreciation against the dollar. The company’s decision reflects the broader economic challenges faced by businesses operating in Kenya’s dynamic marketplace, necessitating adjustments to maintain viability and sustainability amidst fluctuating market conditions.

Implications for Growth

The successive price increases by MultiChoice Kenya Limited may impede the company’s efforts to expand its customer base, particularly amidst economic constraints and heightened consumer sensitivity to pricing. The upward trend in subscription fees could deter potential subscribers and lead to churn among existing customers seeking more affordable alternatives. Consequently, MultiChoice may face challenges in achieving its growth targets and sustaining subscriber loyalty in the competitive pay television market.

Forex Trading Psychology: Staying Sane in a Volatile Market

Picture this: you’re navigating the high seas of forex trading, where waves of volatility can toss your trading strategies around like a small boat in a storm. It’s in this unpredictable world that the concept of forex trading psychology becomes your anchor, helping you maintain your course and sanity. Understanding and mastering your emotions is a crucial skill in trading, akin to knowing how to read charts or analyze trends.

Exploring the psychology behind successful trading

At its core, trading is as much about psychology as it is about economics. The emotions you bring to the trading desk can significantly impact your decisions. Common psychological traps, such as the fear of missing out (FOMO) or the inability to admit to a losing trade, can cloud judgment and lead to costly mistakes. Being aware of these emotional pitfalls and learning how to navigate them can make all the difference between success and failure in forex trading. It requires a deep level of self-awareness and a commitment to personal growth outside of just financial gain.

In addition to recognizing common psychological pitfalls, successful traders often employ tactics to minimize the emotional impact of trading. Techniques such as visualization—picturing yourself responding calmly to various trading scenarios—or setting daily affirmation goals can build psychological armor. By repeatedly rehearsing success and composure in the face of adversity, traders can develop a mindset that adds an invaluable layer of psychological preparedness to their skill set.

The emotional rollercoaster of trading

Three main emotions often dictate trading behaviors: fear, greed and hope. Fear can cause traders to sell off their positions too early, missing out on potential gains. Greed, on the other hand, can lead to overleveraging, putting traders at risk of significant losses. Hope can make traders cling to losing positions for too long, hoping the market will turn in their favor. Recognizing these emotions as they occur is the first step toward managing them effectively.

Understanding that markets move in cycles and that losses are an inevitable part of trading can help maintain equilibrium. Traders find it beneficial to keep a trading journal, not just to track their transactions, but also their emotional state at the time of each trade. Analyzing this over time can provide profound insights into how emotions correlate with trading success or failure, offering a personalized roadmap for emotional regulation.

Taming the market’s volatility with a solid plan

One of the most effective tools against the emotional turmoil of trading is a well-crafted trading plan. This plan should include your investment goals, risk tolerance and specific criteria for entering and exiting trades. By sticking to this plan, you can make decisions based on logic and strategy rather than emotion. Setting realistic goals and being patient are also vital, as they keep you grounded in the long-term perspective. Remember, successful trading is a marathon, not a sprint.

Every plan should include built-in mechanisms for regular evaluation and adjustment. Markets evolve and so must trading strategies. Setting aside time to review and refine your plan can help in adapting to new market conditions and managing emotional responses to those changes. Engaging in this process conscientiously can not only build confidence in your approach but also instill a discipline that tempers emotional reactions.

The resilience of the trader’s mind

Psychological resilience is your best defense in the volatile forex market. This means having the ability to bounce back from losses without letting them negatively affect your future trading decisions. Cultivating this resilience involves viewing losses as learning opportunities and maintaining confidence in your trading strategy. It also means staying informed about market conditions so you can adapt your strategies as needed without making emotional decisions.

Developing a tough mental skin isn’t about ignoring emotions; it’s about acknowledging them and not letting them steer the ship. Experienced traders often use setbacks as a catapult for growth, pivoting their strategy when necessary and reinforcing their mental fortitude. A resilience-building tactic is to set aside time for regular introspection, which allows traders to reflect on their experiences and fortify their psychological resilience.

Staying calm and focused through mindfulness

Mindfulness and meditation have gained popularity among traders as tools to enhance focus and reduce stress. Simple practices like taking deep breaths before executing a trade or meditating for a few minutes each day can help clear your mind of noise and anxiety. This mental clarity can lead to better decision-making, allowing you to approach each trading session with a calm and focused mindset.

Incorporating mindfulness into your routine isn’t limited to moments of stress; it’s also about building a sustained practice that supports overall well-being. This might involve structured breaks during the trading day for short mindfulness exercises or incorporating ‘mindful moments’ when transitioning between tasks. By weaving mindfulness into the fabric of daily activity, traders can better preserve their mental energy and execute trades with greater presence and purpose.

Building a supportive network

No trader is an island, and having a supportive community can be a powerful tool in managing the psychological pressures of trading. Engaging in discussions with peers about strategies, challenges and successes can provide valuable insights and reduce the feeling of isolation. Mentorship is another aspect of a supportive network, offering guidance and reassurance from someone who has navigated the choppy waters of the forex market and come out ahead.

In conclusion, the world of forex trading can test the emotional limits of even the most seasoned traders. However, by understanding and managing your psychology, you can maintain your sanity and significantly improve your chances of success. It’s a journey that takes time and patience, but with the right mindset and strategies, you can navigate the volatile market with confidence and resilience.

Participating in active trading communities, whether online or in person, can provide a much-needed sounding board for ideas and emotions. Joining forums, attending webinars and participating in social trading platforms are all ways to connect with other traders. This sense of community not only helps in diffusing the emotional burden but also in expanding one’s knowledge base and perspective in the vast landscape of forex trading.

M-Akiba Revamp: Enhancing Efficiency and Accessibility in Government Securities

M-Akiba, the innovative mobile-based bond, is undergoing a significant overhaul. The Treasury has decided to cease trading the bond on the secondary market. This move comes as part of a broader effort to streamline operations, minimize transaction complexities, and eliminate excessive brokerage fees. Let’s delve into the details of this revamp and its potential impact.

Quick Summary:

  • The Treasury is revamping M-Akiba to enhance efficiency and reduce costs.
  • Secondary market trading of the bond will be eliminated.
  • Recommendations include simplifying trading processes and improving customer experience.

Understanding the Changes:

In response to a study commissioned by FSD Africa, the Treasury has initiated a re-engineering process for M-Akiba. This process aims to implement recommendations outlined in the post-M-Akiba Issuance survey report. One significant change involves discontinuing secondary market trading.

Simplifying Trading:

The study highlights the need for a simpler trading mechanism. Instead of navigating through the complexities of the secondary market, investors will now receive their principal if they sell the bond before the interest payment date, along with any accrued coupon. This streamlined approach aims to reduce trading complexities and minimize associated costs.

Enhancing Customer Experience:

To further improve the M-Akiba platform, the study recommends several customer-centric measures. These include redesigning the user interface for easier navigation, simplifying trade guidelines, and enabling customers to make incremental savings towards the minimum investment requirement. Additionally, customers will have the option to reinvest their interest income every six months, thereby fostering a culture of continuous investment.

Financial Inclusion and Market Efficiency:

The restructuring of the M-Akiba bond program aligns with broader objectives of enhancing financial inclusion and market efficiency. By democratizing investment opportunities, the government aims to attract retail investors and deepen participation in government securities. This strategic shift underscores the commitment to fostering a robust and inclusive financial ecosystem.

Potential Impact:

  • Enhanced Accessibility: Simplified trading processes will make M-Akiba more accessible to retail investors, thereby broadening the investor base.
  • Cost Reduction: Eliminating secondary market trading and brokerage fees is expected to reduce overall transaction costs, making the investment more attractive.
  • Improved Trust: By emphasizing transparency and simplifying communication, the revamp seeks to build trust among investors, enhancing confidence in the M-Akiba platform.


The decision to revamp M-Akiba marks a significant step towards enhancing efficiency and accessibility in government securities. By implementing recommendations aimed at simplifying trading and improving customer experience, the Treasury aims to attract more retail investors and deepen financial inclusion. This strategic initiative reflects a commitment to innovation and responsiveness to market dynamics, ultimately fostering a more inclusive and resilient financial ecosystem.

Top US Investor Sells Safaricom Shares Amid Dividend Protest

In a bold move signaling discontent over dividend delays, a prominent American investment firm, FMR LLC, has initiated the sale of millions of Safaricom shares, significantly reducing its stake in the telecommunications giant. The decision comes amidst frustration over challenges in repatriating dividends, compounded by Safaricom’s declining valuation, plunging below the Sh600 billion mark.

Quick Summary:

FMR’s decision to offload Safaricom shares underscores the significant impact of dividend delays on investor confidence and market dynamics. With the telco’s valuation plummeting by 55 percent, concerns over the stability of dividends and currency liquidity have intensified, prompting foreign investors to reconsider their positions.

Despite Safaricom’s recent interim dividend declaration, investor enthusiasm remains subdued, reflecting broader apprehensions about the company’s financial outlook and market conditions. The sell-off by FMR, alongside other foreign investors, has contributed to a decline in share prices, exerting additional pressure on Safaricom and the local market.

Safaricom’s pivotal role in the Kenyan economy amplifies the ripple effects of dividend delays, exacerbating currency pressures and market volatility. As foreign investors navigate the challenges of repatriating funds, Safaricom’s performance becomes intricately linked to broader economic trends and policy interventions.

Looking ahead, Safaricom faces the dual challenge of restoring investor confidence and addressing structural issues impacting dividend payments and currency liquidity. The telco’s ability to navigate these challenges will shape its trajectory and influence investor sentiment in the months to come.

Boosting Kenya’s Health System with AI and Technology Partnership

Kenya’s healthcare landscape is poised for transformation through a groundbreaking international health partnership, merging proven Africa-led AI technology with localized expertise. Leaders in healthcare convened in Nairobi on February 22, 2024, to forge alliances aimed at enhancing critical health outcomes and program performance. Titled “Technology-enabled Health Systems Strengthening,” the round table brought together key stakeholders from government, donors, and the private sector to drive innovation and address healthcare challenges.

Quick Summary:

  • Objective: Enhance Kenya’s health system through AI-driven technology and local expertise.
  • Partners: Vantage Health Technologies, Africa Health Business (AHB), and key stakeholders in healthcare.
  • Focus Areas: Advancing technology solutions, achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC) by 2030, and building transformative partnerships.

Advancing Technology Solutions:

The partnership leverages AI-driven, data-centric, and technology-enabled solutions to tackle healthcare challenges in Kenya. By harnessing innovative technologies, stakeholders aim to enhance healthcare delivery, improve patient outcomes, and optimize resource allocation.

Driving Towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC):

With a targeted focus on Kenya, the partnership is committed to achieving UHC by 2030. By ensuring equitable access to quality healthcare services, stakeholders seek to address disparities and improve health outcomes for all Kenyans, regardless of their socio-economic status.

Building Transformative Partnerships:

Collaboration between Vantage Health Technologies, AHB, and key stakeholders fosters a conducive environment for innovation and impact. By uniting expertise from various sectors, the partnership aims to develop scalable solutions that can be replicated across similar healthcare settings in Africa.

Stakeholder Perspectives:

  • Government Perspective: Bernard Langat emphasizes the government’s role in providing an enabling environment for health system strengthening solutions, such as digital health and AI.
  • Healthcare Federation Chairperson’s View: Dr. Gakombe Kanyenje Karangaita stresses the importance of cohesive collaboration among health system building blocks, highlighting AI’s role in improving connectivity and overall health system performance.
  • Community Health Promoters’ Needs: Meboh Abuor underscores the importance of AI-driven capacity building for Community Health Promoters (CHPs) to enhance access, awareness, and affordability of healthcare services.

The Path Forward:

The partnership’s holistic approach includes practical community engagement initiatives to promote health education, technology integration, and capacity building. By empowering local healthcare providers with AI-powered data management and patient care solutions, the partnership aims to foster a robust, adaptive, and patient-centric health system in Kenya.

Kilgoris Youth Empowerment Center Enhances Digital Literacy with Computer Donation


Youth in Kilgoris Constituency have received a significant boost in their educational pursuits with the donation of ten computers and Wi-Fi connection to their youth center. This initiative, spearheaded by Member of Parliament Julius Ole Sunkuli, aims to promote digital literacy and empower youth to compete globally in the digital era.

Quick Summary:

  • Kilgoris Youth Empowerment Center receives ten computers and Wi-Fi connection courtesy of MP Julius Ole Sunkuli.
  • Objective is to enhance digital and computer literacy among youth to prepare them for global competition.
  • Sunkuli pledges further support for youth talent development, including plans for a music production studio.

Empowering Youth Through Technology:

The donation of computers and internet connectivity marks a significant step towards bridging the digital divide and empowering youth in Kilgoris. By providing access to technology, MP Sunkuli aims to equip young individuals with essential digital skills necessary for success in today’s interconnected world.

Nurturing Youth Talent:

Recognizing the diverse talents within the community, Sunkuli pledges support for youth talent development initiatives. Plans for a music production studio align with the aspirations of talented individuals in the music industry, offering them a platform to showcase their skills and pursue their passions.

Promoting Digital Literacy:

MP Sunkuli emphasizes the importance of digital literacy in accessing opportunities and services, both locally and globally. Through the youth center, youth are encouraged to enroll in computer literacy programs to enhance their skills and increase their employability in the digital workforce.

Gratitude and Aspirations:

Maureen Natumoi, an ICT facilitator at the Kilgoris Youth Empowerment Center, expresses gratitude for the donation, highlighting its significance in facilitating learning and skill development. With the addition of ten new computers, the center is poised to accommodate more learners and enhance the educational experience.

Looking Ahead:

Youth beneficiary Kevin Kosgei expresses appreciation for MP Sunkuli’s support and calls for continued investment in youth-oriented initiatives. The proposed music production studio reflects the community’s aspirations to harness and showcase local talent, thereby creating opportunities for economic empowerment.