AccessKenya Seeks to Excite the Cloud Services Market

Leading Corporate Internet and Information Technology Solutions provider AccessKenya Group has announced a new market push for Cloud Services in East Africa. Coming off its ongoing business acceleration and expansion strategy the company now says it will target new businesses with a total Managed Services solution as its core business focus over the next three years. “Enterprises are re-looking at how best to meet their internal IT needs while accelerating service delivery in a cost effective way. We intend to deliver the best service proposition for IT as a Service (ITaaS), ICT Outsourcing, Next Generation Data Centre and Applications Services,” he said.

ITaaS adoption was named by, among the top ten trends to watch in the global IT outsourcing industry in 2014. With the advent of Big Data and the Internet of Things, AccessKenya now seeks to cement its position as a market leader in the regional cloud technology space.

According to Deputy Chief Executive, Kris Senanu, AccessKenya – which was acquired in 2013 by the Dimension Data –  will leverage its global synergies within the group with a view of becoming the preferred ICT partner for businesses seeking end to end cloud solutions,

In June Dimension Data acquired the business continuity management firm Continuity S.A. The move brings to bear a combined 37, 000 m2 of Data Center and Recovery facilities in Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Botswana, Mozambique and Mauritius.

“ These infrastructure investments give us increased capability and reach enabling us to offer the most competitive value proposition in business continuity management, IT disaster recovery and data replication among other value added services,” Said Senanu.

Currently the AccesKenya Cloud services portfolio includes managed hardware & software services, hosted email, LAN networking, specialist IT support, outsourced virtual servers and Collocation.


  1. This sounds like a large improvement to Kenya. Hopefully they start focusing on getting their citizens easier and affordable access to the internet. If they don’t have consumers then I don’t see this working. I only see this as being exploited by countries for cheap labor for their online businesses to run.


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