Google Optimizes Job Search Engine to Ease Job Search Process Among Kenyans

Looking for job opportunities can be a very tedious and tiring experience, in most cases, you’d get job results that aren’t optimized to your qualifications and or experience. Well that’s about to change at least for Kenyan job seekers; Google search engine will now present job seekers with more optimized and relevant opportunities than before. In stead of generalizing as before, Kenyans looking for new opportunities can now look forward to a more enhanced search experience following Google’s optimization of its job searching tool.

The new Google’s job search tool even though won’t add employment opportunities for Kenyans, at least it’ll ease the process of looking for one. Currently, the unemployment rate in Kenya is alarming, and in most cases, fresh graduates usually resort to Google for newer opportunities. Some dedicated job search platforms such as “brighter monday”, “Fuzu” and “jobs in Kenya” do come in handy, but that’s just the tip in having a more optimized environment for Kenyans.

Google’s job search tool will offer a more immersive experience enabling users to quickly and easily find opportunities best suited for them. Google Kenya country manager Charles Murito said that the new job search experience focuses at surfacing the most relevant jobs for users. “The new job search experience by Google is focused at being able to surface the most relevant jobs for job seekers across the country, so that they can be able to find that they are looking for”, Mr Murito said.

In comparison with other African states, Kenya has in the last few years experienced tremendous growth in internet connectivity enabling job seekers to resort to the internet for potential recruitment into jobs rather than traditional employment bureau that usually require a percentage of the seekers first salary, thereby overburdening them.

Mr Murito also added that Google will be tapping into Kenya’s capacity online especially utilizing immersive accessibility via smart mobile devices. “The ability to be able to access the internet through mobile phones has made a lot more accessible and the fact that you can be able to surface different jobs, we wanted to use Google’s search algorithms to be able to surface those jobs in an easy efficient manner”, he said.

Google will therefore be partnering with Kenya’s existing job-listing platforms such as Brighter Monday and Fuzu including others in the effort to link job seekers with their potential employers. By unveiling the job search tool, Google will be moving closer to its commitment in improving economic opportunities on the continent through its technologies in partnership with the employment industry.

How to use Google job search tool for more optimized jobs in Kenya;

    • Job seekers can navigate to and search for jobs


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