New Licensing Rules to Bar Foreigners from Technical Jobs in Kenya’s Communications Sector

Kenya’s Communications Authority – a body entrusted with regulating the ICT sector on the country has taken a step to protect sector’s lucrative jobs to Kenyans and issued a draft of regulatory changes that will restrict technical installation and maintenance jobs in the telecommunications industry to Kenyan citizens and permanent residents. The move is in a bid to protect local jobs and update the licensing framework to reflect the rapidly changing technology. While we don’t expect the draft regulations to lead to only Kenyans working in the ICT sector, but they’ll have an upper-hand when it comes to fillin gup vacant positions.

Key Provisions of the Proposed Rules

Restriction on Foreigners

In the draft regulations, the authority has made it categorically clear that only Kenyan citizens or holders of permanent residency visas shall qualify for telecommunications technical personnel licenses.

“Only Kenyan citizens and holders of permanent residency visas shall be eligible to apply for telecommunications technical personnel licences,” the draft reads.

Applications are also required to show knowledge and experience in line with the country’s Recognition of Prior Learning Framework. We’ve seen cases whereby even what Kenyans commonly refer to as menial jobs such as digging up trenches to lay cabling being done by foreigners, yet there are many Kenyan’s looking for such opportunities with more than needed experience.

Unified Licensing Structure

  • The new system has scrapped the internal and external wiring permits division.
  • The license will enable technical staff to perform the installation and maintenance of the IP network, abetted by a single license.
  • The reason for discarding the older categorization, the CA said, was that the communications world has shifted to optical fiber technologies from copper and wireless technologies.

Inclusion of IT and Engineering Professionals

The proposed framework will widen the eligibility for licenses to include professionals in IT and related fields, which the present structure has failed to fill.

Licensing categories for professionals based on qualifications:

  • Class A: For degree holders
  • Class B: For diploma holders
  • Class C: For certificate holders

Fees and Licensing Term

The proposed licensing fees are as follows:

  • Application fee: Ksh 500
  • Initial license fee: Ksh 1,000
  • Annual operating fee: Ksh 500

Licenses will be valid for a period of 10 years, renewable.

Justification of the Changes

  1. Job Protection for Locals
    The new regulations are mainly aimed at creating opportunities for citizens in a sector that has been dominated by foreign technical expertise.
  2. Technological Advancements
    There’s also a need to upgrade from copper networks which have been used in the sector for years but have since been rendered obsolete in favor to fiber optics and IP-based systems which necessitates new licensing provisions that reflect current technical needs.
  3. Streamlined Licensing
    The new single licensing regime eliminates the headache, as one can practice across different technical fields without having to apply for different licenses.
  4. Recognition of Training and Expertise
    In absorbing IT and engineering professionals, the CA hopes to break the bottlenecks that have denied licenses to competent personnel with relevant training and experience.

Impact on the Industry

  1. Local Population Involvement
    The draft regulations where only Kenyans and permanent residents are allowed to hold licenses will create employment opportunities to the locals.
  2. Positive Impact on Technical Education
    This may also help in enhancing the chances for more and more students to opt for higher education and certification in IT and telecommunication.
  3. Potential Challenges for Businesses
    Companies that have been accustomed to employing expatriates may have some difficulties in adhering to the new guidelines that may also impact the current projects and services.
  4. Enhanced Regulation and Oversight
    The most likely outcome of a well-organized licensing process and new guidelines is the enhancement of the regulatory framework for the regulation of telecommunication infrastructure to meet the present day requirements.


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