Kenya Power Invests Sh258 Million in E-Mobility Promotion

Kenya Power is taking steps to support eco transportation by investing Sh258 million in e-mobility over the next three years. The move reflects their dedication to a future with improved operational efficiency. The funding will focus on initiatives that encourage the adoption of vehicles (EVs) in Kenya including establishing a network of charging stations

Kenya Power recorded milestone with the installation of a charging electric vehicle point at Stima Plaza. They are also considering expanding their fleet of cars and bikes with EV’s for purposes of showcasing their progressive approach toward environmentally friendly transportation choices.

Dr. (Eng.) Joseph Siror, the Managing Director and CEO of Kenya Power emphasized the importance of vehicles in transport solutions. He expressed enthusiasm about leading discussions on EV’s and highlighted plans to gather information from electric vehicle charging points to support the growth of the electronic mobility sector.

Kenya Power is demonstrating dedication by aiming to set up nine charging stations in various locations across the country by July 2024. They also have plans for expansion in the coming years. Additionally the company aims to grow its fleet of vehicles including cars and motorcycles aligning with its goal of transportation practices that are eco friendly.

It also aims to promote the adoption of cars, motorcycles and bicycles through the implementation of the E-tariff sanctioned by the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority. The goal of this program is to encourage a transition, towards an friendly transportation system.


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