How to Use Safaricom’s Zuri Chatbot to Reverse MPESA Transactions and Unsubscribe Premium SMS Service

Social media continues to be widely used by people across the world as their main form of both interacting and finding out news from various corners of our planet. I remember back in the day when Facebook for example had just started making those baby steps, all we could think of was getting more friends as possible before it started learning towards corporate. Today, the case is not so and there are several attributes we can pick from the growth experienced by the social giant both positive and negative. Corporate have sort ways to efficiently offer services using social media and one such effort has led to the introduction of chat bots. Safaricom’s Zuri Chatbot is basically a clever way of utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) to solving customer queries that require straight forward actions.

Traditionally, you’ll need to contact Safaricom directly via text message, on the social media or call their customer support to access services which might not always be a bed of roses. Safaricom is by far the largest mobile service provider in the country with millions of subscribers; as such, their customer support lines are usually clogged and you might have to wait several minutes before you’re attended to. Unfortunately, some of the services provided by the telco involve mobile money transactions that require immediate support in case something goes wrong. We were therefore thrilled to learn that some of these services could be accessed without having your call put on hold until those who contacted them earlier are served. Technology has advanced to the point where services can be offered without having a real human on the other side, Zuku for instance has effectively managed to implement a telegram based chatbot that has so far proved to be effective; allowing customers to check their due dates, account balances and so forth.  

Zuri chatbot can provide answers to common problems as well as perform simple but important tasks such as reversing wrong MPESA transactions and unsubscribing customers from unscrupulous premium SMS services. Zuri Chatbot is currently available on both telegram and messenger – two of the most popular social media messaging platforms.

How to Reverse MPESA Transactions using Zuri Chatbot

First, you’ll need to access the bot either on messenger or telegram. On telegram for example, login using telegram for web then open Zuri telegram link here and start messaging. You should see something like “Hey ****, 🙂 Awesome to see you here. My name is Zuri, Safaricom’s virtual agent. Click on any of the items below and we’ll jump right in and see how best to assist. 🙂 “

  • Head over to “M-PESA Customer to Customer Reversal”
  • Type the M-PESA Transaction code or copy-paste the entire M-PESA SMS.
  • Wait for the reversal to be done

How to Unsubscribe from Premium SMS services using Zuri Chatbot

  • On the main menu, head over to “Chargeable SMS Services
  • Enter your mobile number
  • You’ll receive an authentication request from Zuri, asking for your MPESA PIN



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