Lumia Devices get a New Range of Business Apps

Lumia users can now access several business applications on Windows Phone 8 platform. The new range of applications can now be downloaded from the Windows Phone store. Windows Phone 8 OS is currently experiencing a surge in the number of applications coming from developers with clear intentions to be at par with other two leading mobile OS; Android and iOS. Some of the latest business travel apps that can be downloaded from the Windows Phone Store:

Cisco WebEx Meetings

If you make use of web conferences in your business life, then we recommend this app: it’s packed with features optimized for both meeting attendees (view shared content, view other attendees, automatic call back) and hosts (schedule, start and manage meetings, expel attendees, share host duties with others). It’s a free app from a company very experienced in developing similar products.

Lync 2010

Lync is an integrated Windows messaging service: it will tell you whether or not your colleagues are online, and it can be used for pain-free conference calling by eliminating long, awkward passcodes or numbers. You’ll need to ensure that your workplace runs a Lync server, or that it’s signed up to an Office365/Lync Online account, but as long as the infrastructure is in place, it’s a great way to smooth out intra-office communications.


This is a fantastic tool for mobile workers: it gives you remote access both to your computers and to those of your co-workers (as long as they use the service too, of course. You’ll be able to switch on your computer and make changes – such as, for instance, upload files to the Cloud so you can the access them on your WP or another device. It’s compatible with Windows, Mac and Linux, so it works for all users.


A useful note-taking tool, for business and personal use alike, this syncs with the cloud so you’ll never lose your data. Use it to make notes and create to-do lists, and to organize your notes with custom tags and in user-defined notebooks. It lets you search inside notes and share them with others, too.


If you are one of the billion+ people who use Office to write docs, OneDrive is the best cloud storage for you. No other service comes close to providing the level of cross-platform functionality, connectedness, and productivity that the OneDrive and Office combo delivers. OneDrive also offers a number of unrivalled rich sharing capabilities, eliminating the need to email bulky documents or worry about version control. You can easily share documents with others, see what you’ve shared and what’s been shared with you, and most importantly, collaborate with others simultaneously using real-time co-authoring – even if they don’t have an account.


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