Growth and Embrace of Virtual Education in the 21ST Century

Education is regarded as the main and key pillar to have a successful career guaranteeing financial stability and recognition from society, despite the importance associated with it, education continues to be a fairly tale for many people around the globe. In the 21st century, there is little to be proud of considering a luxury tag placed on it; quality education continues to be available only to the few rich with resources to pay for it. There is however several ways governments around the world have adopted in an effort to minimize the cost of education to their citizens; countries like Syria Tunisia and Egypt have resorted to embrace virtual education as the sole means to bring education in remote areas within their territories; in fact, Syrian government established a virtual university way back in 2002 becoming the first of its kind in Middle East and North Africa.

Most known virtual institutions offer certifications ranging from degrees to diplomas; however, the most challenging aspect of this type of certificates is recognition, there would be no point in pursuing virtual education if it wont add value to career qualifications. Virtual university degrees may not be deemed important compared to traditional degrees; however, there are credible institutions such as Greenwich University in Syria that award recognized certifications ranging from honors degrees to diplomas. The Syrian government is supposedly said to have endorsed virtual institutions allowing thousands of students who pursue their career programs using this method secure job opportunities alongside other job seekers. After the initial success of distance learning programs, several countries such as Libya, Tunisia and Egypt have now introduced virtual education programs to increase literacy levels to those who missed admission to universities and other learning institutions due to limited positions.
The most important point here is identifying to what extend virtual programs have enhanced educational achievements; in the 21st century, education is more of a necessity rather than an option in pursuit for quality life. Facts emerging from an extensive research have clearly reported reduced ignorance, innovation, and connection to the global landscape as major byproducts of an educated population. Technology has advanced since time in memorial and in order to enhance its continuity, scientists have to be educated and natured into inventors. A case study of the Middle East has linked widespread education to the ongoing uprisings in the region; but the most crucial aspect to leaders is whether virtual education has promoted any economic growth. In Kenya, employers continue to discriminate degrees acquired through distance learning programs frustrating innocent job seekers who spent years and resources to get them, the government ought to regulate these programs if virtual education is something to be considered.


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