Microsoft’s Africa Development Center Partners with Jomo Kenyatta University to Enhance Tech Talent Pipeline

The Africa Development Center (ADC), Microsoft’s premier engineering arm, has partnered with Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology in Kenya to launch a cutting-edge curriculum for engineering students. The collaboration aims to expand access to digital skills training and bridge the gap between academic knowledge and real-world job requirements.

ADC is committed to enhancing the tech talent pipeline by implementing various initiatives, including coding classes for children, computer training for underprivileged individuals, and advanced learning opportunities such as the Game of Learners hackathon. This program provides university students with the chance to develop their skills by building real-world solutions under the mentorship of industry professionals.

The partnership between ADC and Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology is part of the larger Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa, which aims to provide digital security and privacy knowledge and skills to 300 million individuals annually by 2025 through a massive online e-skills development program.

Students studying STEM-related courses will significantly benefit from the new curriculum. They will have access to updated resources, lessons, and assessments, which will help them develop practical tech skills that will be valuable throughout their careers. As noted by Irene Githinji, the ADC Student and Education Engagement Program Manager, companies in the tech industry are eager to hire new talent. Still, they often need help finding qualified candidates directly from universities because they need hands-on experience in software engineering fundamentals.

A shift from traditional paper exams to online assessments is necessary to overcome this challenge. It will allow students to become familiar with coding exams through online methods, thus better preparing them for coding interviews with ADC and prospects.

The partnership between ADC and Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology represents a significant step forward in improving the tech talent pipeline and bridging the skills gap in Africa. The new curriculum, focusing on practical skills and real-world experience, will equip students with the necessary tools to succeed in their tech careers.


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